He is better known to us as Mahatma Munshiramji,
the Governor of Gurukul. His joining our army is a source of strength to us. Many of you have perhaps been keenly following the proceedings of the Viceregal Council. Bill No. 2 is being steamrolled by means of the Official majority of the Government and in the teeth of the unanimous opposition from the Non-Official members. I deem it to be an insult to the latter, and through them to the whole of India. Satyagraha has become necessary as much to ensure respect for duly expressed public opinion, as to have the mischievous Bills withdrawn. Grave responsibility rests upon the shoulders of the Satyagrahis though, as I have so often said, there is no such thing as defeat in Satyagraha, it does not mean that victory can be achieved with- out Satyagrahis to fight for it, i ., to suffer for it. The use of this matchless force is comparatively a novelty. It is not the same thing as Passive Resistance which has been conceived to be a weapon that can be wielded most effectively only by the strongest minded, and you may depend upon it that six hundred men and women who in this Presidency have signed the Pledge are more than enough for our purpose, if they have strong wills and invincible faith in their mission, and that is in the power of truth to conquer untruth which Satyagrahis believe the Bills represent. I use the word ' untruth 'in its widest sense. We may expect often to be told as we have been told already by Sir William Vincent that the Government will not yield to any threat of Passive Resistance. Satyagraha is not a threat, it is a fact ; and even such a mighty Government as the Government of India will have to yield if we are true to our Pledge. For the Pledge is
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