and honours in addition. All these classes are a part
of us, but they cannot be regarded as Home rulers, their goal is not Home Rule. The help they render is not consecrated to the country.
If we seek to win Swaraj ya in a spirit of hosti- lity, it is possible for the Imperial statesmen to use these three forces against us and defeat us. If we want Swarajya, it is our duty to help the Empire and we shall, undoubtedly, get the reward of their help. If our motive is honest, Government will behave honestly with us. Assuming for a moment that they will not do so, our honesty should make us confident of our success. It is not a mark of greatnessto return goodness for goodness only. Greatness lies in returning good for evil.
Government do not give us commissions in the Army ; they do not repeal the Arms Act ; they do not open schools for military training. How can we then co- operate with them ? These are valid objections. In not granting reforms in these matters, Government are mak- ing a serious blunder. The English nation has performed several acts of virtue. For these, God's grace be with it. But the heinous sin perpetrated by the English adminis- trators in the name of that nation will undo the effect of these acts of virtue, if they do not take care betimes. If the worst happens to India, which may God forbid, and she passes into the hands of some other nation, India's piteous cry will make England hang her head in shame before the world, and curses will descend upon her for having emasculated a nation of thirty crores. I believe the statesmen of England have realised this, and they have taken the warning ; but they are unable to alter
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