themselves into a combination that could fight a similar combination of their employees. One-sided technically though our investigation was, we endeavoured to exa- mine the millowners' side, and came to the conclusion that 35 per cent, increase was fair. Before announcing the figure to the millhands w> informed the employers of the result of our inquiry and told them that we would correct ourselves if they could show any error. The latter would not co-op3rate. They sent a reply saying as much, but they pointed out in it that the rate of in- crease granted by the Government as also the employ- ers in Bombay was much less than the one contem- plated'byus. I felt that the addendum was beside the point, and at a huge meeting ann ounced 35 per cent, for the millhands 1 acceptance, Be it noted that the plague bonus amounted to 70 per cent, of their wages and they had declared their intention of accepting not less than 50 per cent, as high prices increase. They were now called upon to accept the mean, finding the mean was quite an accident between the millowners 20 per cent, and their own 50 per cent. After some grumbling, the meeting accepted the 35 per cent, increase it always bein,; 1 understood, that they would recognise at the same time the principle of arbitration whenever the millowners did so. From that time forward, i.e., day after day thousands of people gathered together under the shade of a tree outside the city walls, people walking long distances in many cases and solemnly repeated their determination m the name of God not to accept anything less than 35 per cent. No pecuniary assist- ance was given them. It is easy enough to understand that many must suffer from the pangs of starvation and that they could not, while they were without employ-
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