of knowledge of Hindi they would be entrusted with the
missionary work, that is, the work of teaching Hindi to the Tamil or the Telugu people as the case may be, for which they would get a salary to maintain them- selves suitably, The Committee will guarantee such ser- vice for at least a period of three years, and will expect applicants to enter into a contract with the Committee to render the stipulated service faithfully and well for that period. The Committee expects that the services of these youths will be indefinitely prolonged and that they will be able to serve themselves as well as the country. The desire of the Committee is to offer liberal payment and expect in return absolute faithfulness and steadfast- ness. I trust that you agree with the Sammelan that Hindi and Hindi alone, whether in Sanskrit form or as Urdu, can become the language of intercourse between the different provinces. It is already that amongst the Muhammadans all over India, as also amongst the Hindus except in the Madras Presidency. I exclude the English educated Indians who have made English, in my humble opinion, much to the detriment of the country, the language of mutual intercourse. It we are to realise the Swaraj ideal we must find a common language that can be easily learnt and that can be understood by the vast masses. This has always been Hindi or Urdu and is so even now as I can say from personal experience. I have faith enough in the patriotism, selflessness and the sagacity of the people of the Madras Presidency to know that those who at all want .to render national service or to come in touch with the other Provinces, will undergo the sacrifice, if it is one, of learing Hindi. I suggest that they should consider it a privilege to be able to learn a
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