should enlighten ^their ignorant companions, as to their
carelessness and dirty habits. Volunteers are required for this purpose. Every one can do his share, according to his ability, and the leading men might, in order to appreciate the difficulties of third class travelling, re- sort to it from time to time, without making themselves known, and bring their experiences to the notice of the administration. If these rem edies are adopted, we should, in a short time see great changes.
An inter-departmental committee recently sat in London to consider certain measures about the supply of indentured labour to Fiji and the other sister islands. The Report of^that committee has been published and the Government of India have invited the opinion of the public upon it. I need not dwell at length upon the matter as I have f submitted my views already through the press. I 'have given it as my opinion that the re- commendations of the committee, if adopted, will result in a kind of indenture. We can therefore only come to one conclusion, We can have no desire to r see* our labouring classes emigrating under bondage in any shape or form. There is no need for such emigration. The law of indenture should be totally abolished. It is*no part of our duty *to provide facilities for the Colonies.
I now reach the concluding topic. There are two methods of attaining desired end : Truthful and Truthless. In our scriptures they have been described respectively as divine and devilish. In the path of Satyagraha there is i always ^unflinching adherence to Truth, It is never to be forsaken on any account, not ven for the sake of one's country. The final triumph of Truth is always assumed 'for the divine method. Its
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