statement. It is an expression of the feelings that are
raging within me. We shall have to pay dearly for our continuous disregard of the mot her- tongue. The nation has suffered much by reason of it. It is the first duty of the learned class now to deliver the nation from the agony.
There can be no limit to the scope of a language in which Narasingh Mehta sang. Nandshanker wrote his Karanghelo, which has produced a race of writers like Navalram, Narmadashanker, Manilal, Malabari and others ; in which the late Raychandkavi carried on his soul-lifting discourses, which the Hindus, Mahomedans and Parsis claim to speak and can serve if they will ; which has produced a race of holy sages ; which owns among its votaries millionaires ; which has been spoken by sailors who have ventured abroad ; and in which the Barda hills still bear witness to the valourous deeds of Mulu Manek and Jodha Manek. What else can the Gujaratis achieve if they decline to receive their training through that language ? It grieves one even to have to consider the question.
In closing this subject I would invite your attention to the pamphlets published by Dr. Pranjiwandas Mehta, -of which a Gujarati translation is now out. I ask you to read them. You will find therein a collection of opinions in support of the views herein expressed.
If it is deemed advisable to make the mother-tongue the media of instruction, it is necessary to examine the steps to be taken for achieving the end. I propose to re- count them, without going into the argument in sup- port :
(1) The English-knowing Gujaratis should never, in iheir mutual intercourse; make use of English.
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