��The following report of a conservation which am interviewer had with Mr. Gandhi contains his views on a variety of subjects of national interest'
" We have lost " he said, " much of our self-respect, on account of being too much Europeanised. We think and speak in English. Thereby, we impoverish our vernaculars, and estrange the feelings of the masses, A knowledge of English is not essential to the service o* our Motherland."
Turning to caste, he said " caste is the great power and secret of Hinduism."
Asked where he would stay, Mr. Gandhi replied :
- 4 Great pressure is brought down on me to settle in
Bengal : but I have a great capital in the store of my knowledge m Guzerat and I get letters from there."
" Vernacular literature is important. I want to have a library of all books. I invite friends for finan- cial aid to form libraries and locate them."
'* Modern civilisation is a curse in Europe as also in India. War is the direct result of modern civilisa- tion, everyone of the Powers was making preparations for war."
"Passive resistance is a great moral force, meant for the weak, also for the strong. Soul-force depends on itself. Ideals must work in practice, otherwise they are not potent. Modern civilisation is a brute force."
It is one thing to know the ideal and another thing to practise it. That will ensure greater dicipline, which means a greater service and greater service means
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