degraded. But what does that signify ? They gentlemen before they came here, and if they have lost soms of the moral fibre, it is a reflection upon our- selves. (Cries of *' No".) Just think out for your- selves, if a man who was good yesterday has be- come bad after having come in contact with me, is he responsible that he has detenerated or am I ? The atmosphere of sycophancy and falsity that surrounds them on their coming to India demoralises them, as it -would many of us. It is well to take the blame some- times. If we are to receive self-government, we shall tiave to take it. We shall never be granted self-govern- ment, Look at the history of the British Empire and .the British nation ; freedom-loving as it is, it will not be a party to give freedom to a people who will not take it themselves. Learn your lesson if you wish to from the Boer War. Those who were enemies of that empire only a>few years ago have now become friends.
��[At this point there was an interruption and there was a movement on the platform to leave ; the speech therefore ended here abruptly,]
The following communication was made to the Press by Mr. M. K. Gandhi, describing the circumstances under which his speech at the opening ceremony of the Hindu University, Benares. xc?i> interrupted.
Mrs, Besant's reference m New India and certain other references to the Benares incident perhaps render it necessary for me to return 10 the subject, however disinclined I may be to do so. Mrs. Besant denies my
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