expect us, the chosen representatives, it, or may be, the
self-elected representatives of the people to do certain things. Shall we discharge our trust with the master's devotion? The people we represent will base their verdict not upon our speeches but upon our actions, and how shall we act ? We have a right to pass this resolu- tion if we act in the spirit of the master.
In unveiling the portrait of Gokhale at the Khalih- dina Hall, Karachi, on Tuesday the 29th Febi uary, 1916, Mr. Gandhi spoke as follows :
In Hyderabad, Sind, also, I was asked to unveil a portrait of Mr. Gokhale ; and there I put to myself and to those present a question which I put to myself and to you now. That question is : What right have I to un- veil the portrait of Mr. Gokhale and what right have you to join in the ceremony? Of course to unveil a portrait or to join in it is nothing great or important in itself. But the question really involved in the ceremony is impor- tant vi>,, are your hearts and is my heart in reality so much moved as to copy the glorious example of the great man ? The function will have no real significance unless we follow in his footsteps. And if we do follow him we shall be able to achieve a great deal. Of course it is not possible for all of us to achieve what Mr. Gokhale did in the Imperial Legislative Council. But the way in which he served the Motherland, the whole- bearted devotion with which he did it day and night without ceasing all this it is in our power to do as the great one did. And I hope that when yon leave this hall you will bearfin mind to follow him and thus give
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