done, we should then conquer the conquerors. The day will dawn then, when we can consider an Englishman as a fellow-citizen. (Cheers). That day will shortly come ; but it my be difficult to conceive when. I have had signal opportunities of associating myself with Englishmen of character, devotion, nobility and in- fluence. I can assure you that the present wave of activity is passing away and a new civilisation is com- ing shortly which will be a nobler one. India is a great dependency and Mysore is a great Native State, It must be possible for you to transmit this message to British Governors and to British statesmen; the mes- sage is "Establish a Ram Rajya in Mysore and have as your minister a Vasishta who will command obedience.'* (Prolonged cheers.) Then my fellow- countrymen, you can dictate terms to the conqueror. (Prolonged cheers,)
��The following is the speech delivered by Mr. Gandhi at Bangalore in unveiling a portrait of Mr. Gokhale in May, 1915.
My dear countrymen, Before I perform this cere- mony to which you have called me, I wish to say this to you that you have given me a great opportunity or rather a privilege on this great occasion. I saw in the recitation, the beautiful recitation that was given to me, that God is with them whose garment was dusty and tattered. My thoughts immediately went to the end of my garment ; I examined and found that it is not dusty and it is not tattered; it is fairly spotless and
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