viable name of M Guru " ia being given me. Some do nob hesitate do volunteer for others and balk of them as my diaoiplea, Bab I may give them a warning, I am nob insensible thab this warning carries with id a sense of self-esteem, bub aven at) the risk of foaing styled oonoeitied, I would give oha warning. I say that ia is nob wibhia ma to be anybody's "Guru." I have always and will alwayn disoiaim this title. I, who am in search of a spiritual Guru> how oan I arrogabe to myself the title of a Guru ? I cannot even think of being anybody's political guru in the sanse that I applied the berrn Co the late Mr, Gokhale, for I am but an infant in politics. Another thing is bhab I would be iufiaitely pained to find oue who calls himself my disciple going astray, or falling short of my expecta- tions and I want to spare myself that pain, I, therefore, ask you fco think a million times before you proceed to say that you are anybody's disciple. Our whole life is but anjQX9rjcaejat and our skill lies in always keeping the grain from the ohaif. I wish you all to join me in this great experiment, nob a3 disaiplea but as my brothers and aisbera, regarding me if you choose, as your elder brother. To ba a guru I must ba tnyaelf flawlessly perfect?, which I oau nevor claim bo be. (Spaakiug of Mr. Mohanlal Pandya the Mahbina aaid :) The>onour;for the victory belongs to Mr. Pandya in a special senae, I am everywhere being regarded ag one living in the Elysian heights of perfeotnesa, as one by profusion a Sabyagrahi, and as standing aparb from all, capable of conceiving anything and achieving anything. No one bherefore ventures bo emulate my ex- ampla, Bui Mr. Mohanlal P*nd,ya was stalk a novice ia the trade, he began his study of - Satyagraha early in tha oauapaigu and has now won hid degree of feha Master of Arts. His icflueaoe, therefore, bold on all and he could
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