who oould afford, were advised to pay up- Payments* have already commenced there.
On fche foregoing order having been passed at Utter- eanda a letter was addressed to the Collector stating that if orders like the one in Ubtersanda were passed every* where the struggle would come to an end, and it would be possible to inform His Excellency the Governor on the lOfch instant the day of the sitting of the Provincial War Conference that the domestic difference in Kaira was settled. The Collector has replied to the effect that the order like the one in Ubtersanda is applicable to the whole district. Thus the peoples' prayer has at last been granted. The Collector has also stated in reply to a query about Ohothai orders that the orders will not be enforced against those who may voluntarily pay up. Oar thanks are due to the Collector for this concession, AN END WITHOUT GRACE
We are obliged to say with sorrow that although the- struggle has oome to an end it is an end without grace. Id lacks dignity. The above orders have not been passed either with generosity or with the heart in them, Ib very much looks as if the orders have been passed with tha greatest reluctance. The Collector says s
" Orders were issued to all mamlatdars on the 25th April that no pressure should be put on those unable to pay. Their attention was again drawn to these orders in a proper circular issued by me on the 22nd of May and to ensure that proper.effeot was given to them, The mamlatdars were advised to divide the defaulters in each village into two classes, those who oould pay and those who were unable to pay on account of poverty," *
If this was so why were these orders not published
to the people ? Had they known them on the 25th April
what sufferings would they not have been saved from.
! expenses that were unnecessarily incurred by the
Govertment in ergagicg the officials of the district ID
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