suspension only under the rules which had reference only to crops and nobbing else.
I think I hava shown enough bare to warrant) a committee of inquiry and I submit that, as a mat) bar of prinoiple, it would be worth while granting the inquiry evan if one cultivator remains with an arrear against him, because there is nothing found to attach and the Govern- ment might be reluctant to sell his lands. The people have'oballenged the'aoouraoy of Talatis' figures; in some oases there are Talatis themselves ready to come forward to show that they were aakad to put up the annawari found by them, Bat if the inquiry is now held to be unnecessary, why do the Government not grant suspen- sion, especially when admittedly there is only a small number left to collect from and more especially when if suspension is grandad wall-to-do cultivators are ready 60 pay.
It is evident now that Government have surrendered the queation'of principle for which the Commissioner has stood.
The Viceroy has appealed for the sinking of domestic differences. Is the appeal confined only to the ryots or may the officials also yield to the popular will when the popular demand is not immoral or unjust and thus pro- duce contentment ?
If distress means starvation, I admit that the Eaira people are not starving, But if sale of goods to pay assessment or to buy grain for food be an indication of distress there is enough of it in the district. I am prepared to show that hundreds have paid their assess- ment either by incurring debts or by selling their trees, cattle or other valuables, The most grievous omission
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