on their figures is considered necessary, for ib is
only daring partial failure of oropa bhab Governmenb Paluafeion of crops may have to be challenged, The Falabis are as a class obsequious, unscrupulous and tyrannical. The chief men are esp3oiaUy selected for their docility. Tua T*lat;i'a one aim ia naturally to col- leob full assessment; as pr)in jUy as possible, We gome* tiuaea read aooouota of asaiduoua Talatia having been awarded 'pugrees' for making full oolleosion, In applying to the Talatis the adjectives I have given, I wish bo oasfe no reflections on them as men, I merely 8*>ate bhe faofe, The Talatis are nob born ; they are made ; and rend- collectors all the world over have to oulbivafce a callous- ness wibhoub which oh-3y could nob do bheir work to the sabisfaction of their misters. Ib H itnpossible for me to reproduce the graphic description given by the ryots of bhe reoenb oollecbors which bhe TiUtiia chiefly are, My purpose in dealing wit,h bhe Talatia is to show bhab bhe Governments valuabion of bhe crops is derived in the firgb ingtanoa from the taioced source and is presumably biassed against; bhe ryobs. As agaiosb their valuation we have bhe universal testimony of ryots, high and low, some of whom are men of position and considerable wealth who have a reputation to lose and who have nothing to gain by exaggerations except bhe odium of 'Talatis and possibly higher officials, I wish to state ab once that) behind bhis movement there is no desire to discredit bhe Government, or an individual official. Trie movement is intended to aaserb the right of the people to be effectively heard in matters concerning themselves.
Ib is known feo bhe public fchab bhe Hon'ble Mr. (3.K Parekh and Mr, V, J, Patel invited and assisted by tbe
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