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India a position such as I do, has to ba most careful

in sobbing examples. ID is my firm belief that in the complex constitution under whioh we are living, fche only safe and honourable course for a Half-respecting cnan is, in the circumstances such as face me, to do whab I have deoided to do, that is, to submit with- out protesb to tho penally of disobedience, I have ven- tured to make this statement not in any way in extenua- tion of the penalty to be awarded against me, buo to show that I have disregarded the order aorvod upon me, not for want of respecb for Uwful auohorifiy, but in obedience Go the higher law of our being bhe voioe of conscience.

Under instructions from higher authorities the notice was soon ivithdrawn. Early in June a commission was appointed to enquire into the agrarian troubles in the Behar plantations with Mr. Gandhi himself as one of the members of the commission. In December, 1917 1 the Cham- paran Agrarian Bill based on the recommendations of the Commission was passed in the Behar Legislative Council when the Hon. Mr. Maude who moved the Bill made a frank statement of the scandals which necessitated the enquiry, thus justifying Mr. Gandhi's work on behalf of the labourers.

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