The Champaran Enquiry
For many years past the relations of landlords and tenants and the circumstances attending the cultivation of indigo in the Ohamparan District have not been satisfac- tory. In response to an insistent public demand to inquire into the conditions under which Indian labourers work in the Indigo Plantations, Mr. Gandhi arrived at Muzaf- farpuron the 15th April, 1917, whence he took the midday train for Motihari. Next day he was served with a notice to quit the District " by next available train as his pre- sence," the notice announced '* will endanger the public peace and may lead to serious disturbance which may be accompanied by loss of life" Mr. Gandhi replied :
Wbith reference bo the order under Seo. 144, Or. P, C., just) served upon me, I beg bo abate that I am sorry thab you have felti called upon to issue it ; and I am sorry boo thab the Commissioner of the Division has totally mis-interpreted my position. Oub of a sense of public responsibility, I feel ib to be my duty to say thab I am unable to leave this district, but if it so pleases the authorities, I shall submit to ube order by suffering the penalty of disobedience.
I moeb emphatically repudiate the Commissioner's suggestion thab * my objaob is likely to be agitation. 1 My deaire is purely and simply for ' genuine search for
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