Manusmriti, the Ramayana Sar, published in Phoenix,
the Patanjal Yog Darshana, the AhniJe Prakash of Na- thuramji, the Sandhya Qutika given by Professor Parma- nand, the Bhagavad Gita and the works of the late Kavi Shn Rajobandra, This gave me much food for thought. The Upanishads produced in me great peaoefulnese. One sentence specially has struck to me. It meanp whatever Ihou dost, thou shoulds* do the same for the good of the soul." The words are of great importance and deserve great consideration too.
Bud I derived the greatest satisfaction from the writings of Kavi Shri Rajohandra. In my opinion they are such as should attract universal belief and popularity, His life was as exemplary and high as Tolstoy's. I had learnb some passages from them and from the Sandhya book by heard and repeated them at nighb while lying awake, Every morning also for half an hour I used to think over them, and repeat what I had learnt by heart. This kept my mind in a state of cheerfulness, nighb and day. If disappointment or despair attacked me a*i times, I would think over what I had read and my heart would instantly become gladdened, and thank God. ... I would only say, that in this world good books make up for the absence of good companions, so that all Indians, if they want to live happily in jail, should accustom them- selves to reading good books.
What the Tamils have done in the struggle no other Indian community has done. So I thought that if for DO other reason than to show my sincere gratefulness to them, I should seriously read their books. So I spent the l*f*fe month in attentively studying their language* The li
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