hold the book in my hands in suoh a way as 60 oonoeal
the baudcuffd, Tins made me smile, as I was feeling honoured in thus being manacled. The book thata I was carrying was oalied, " Toe Gourb o( God is in Tdeir Mind." I Dhoughb this a happy coincidence, because I fcbougbb what hardships might} trouble me externally, if I were such as to make God live in my heard, what should I care (or the hardships? I was thus taken on foot, handcuffed, to Gourb.
LKSSONS OF PASSIVE RESISTANOB Some of the above details might be considered trivial, but my main object in eebbing them out has been that to minor as well aa iraporbanb matters you can apply bhe principles of resistance, I calmly acquiesced in all the troubles, bodily given to me by fche warder, wibh the resulb that not only was I able to remiin calm and quiet?, bub that he himself had bo remove them in the end. If I had opposed him, my strength of mind would have become weakened, and I could nob have done these more important) things bhab I had bo do, and in bhe bargain made him my enemy*
My food diffimlby also was solved ah last because I resisted, and undervvenb suffaring in bhe bagmnin^.
Toe greatest good I derived from bheae sulf jrings was bhao by undergoing bodily harddhipq I could see 4ny manbal strength clearly increasing, and ib is even now maintained. Trie experience of bha lasb three months ijaa lefc mo more than ever prepared bo undergo all suoh hardships winh ea^e. I feel bhab God helps suoh conscientious objectors, and in putting tharn to tha beab. He only burdens them wibh suoh sufferings as they oau
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