was nob willing 60 answer him on the poinb, bub he pres- sed me. So I said, " I will nob tell you all, bub I will aay this muoh, thab they treab me cruelly. General Smuts by this means wanba me to give in, bub thab would never be. as I was prepared bo undergo whatever befell ma, thab my mind was ab peaoe. bub thab you should publish, bhis, After coming out. I myself would do so." He oommunioabed ib to Mr, Polak. who nob being able to keep it) bo himself in his turn spoke to others' and Mr, David Polak thereupon wrote to Lord Salbome and an inquiry was held, The warder oame for thab purpose and I spoke bo him the very words eeb out above. I also pointed out the defects, which I have mentioned in the beginning, Thereupon, after tea days he seat me a plank for bed, a pillow, a night ehirb and a hardkerohiof, which I took. In my npemorial to him I had asked him to provide this convenience for ail Indians, Really speaking, in this respect Indians are softer than the whites, and they oannob do wibhoub pillows.
The opinion I bad come bo, in consequence of my treatment in jail in the beginning, was confirmed by what happened now. About four days after I received a witness gammons in Mr. Piliay'a case. So I was taken to Court, I was manacled this time, and the Warder took no time io putting on the handcuffs, I think this was done unintentionally. The Cbief Warder had seen en e and from him I had obtained leave to carry a book me. He seemed to be under the impression that I ashamed of the manacles, and BO I had asked to carry a book* and hence he asked ma bo
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