whilst the terrible war last; 8 fco be satisfied with petition?,
eto. for the desired relief bub I think the Government! should know that fche community will nob rest until fche questions above mentioned are satisfactorily solved, It) is bub right bhab I should also warn the community against dangers from within. I hear from those who return from South Africa fchab we are by no means free of those who are engaged in illicit traffic. We who seek justice mast be above suspicion, and I hope that our leaders will not rest till they have purged the community of internal defects.
Writing to the " Times of India " on June 2, 1918, Mr. Gandhi drew attention to the fresh disabilities imposed on Indians by the Union Government by the introduction of the railway travelling restrictions. Mr, Gandhi, while deploring the existing colour prejudices felt bound to protest against the attempt of the Union Government to give legal recognition to the anti-colour campaign. We omit the long extracts from the ,, Indian Opinion 1 and give the text of Mr. Gandhi's letter :
SIR, I offer no apology for seeking the hospitality of your columns for the enclosed extracts from Indian Opinion. They deal with the well being of over two lakhs of emigrants from India, Mr. Ahmed Mahomed Oachaliat the esteemed president of the British Indian Association of Johannesburg, has sent from that place the following cablegram regarding cne of the matters referred bo in the extracts :
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