got. They had fought for the removal of the racial taint in the law with reference to the Free State. That they had got, The £3 Tax was now a matter of the past. And, with reference to the marriage question, all those dear sisters who had gone to gaol now could be called the wives of their husbands, whilst but yesterday they might have been called so out of cour- tesy by a friend, but were not so in the eye of the law. That was one of the things they had fought for and had got. Truth was what they had been lighting for, and Truth had conquered-not he or they. They might fright to·morrow for an unrighteous thing, and as sure as fate they would he beaten and well—heaten. Truth was nn- conquerahle, and whenever the call to duty came he hoped they would respond. There was one thing more. They had sometimes, as every other section of the com· munity had, jealousies amongst themselves. They had petty jealousies not in conection with the struggle, hut in matters which had nothing to do with the struggle, All those petty jealousies and differences, he hoped, would go, and they would rise higher still in the estimation of themselvei and on those who at all grew to know them and the depth of character which they had. They had alsor as all sections of the Indian communiy hai, not only those jeaiousies hut sometimes many pickerings also, and petty quariels. He felt these also should he removed especially from their midst, because they had shown themselves so ht to give themselves to the Mother- land. And here, of course, it was a Tamil who had given his four sons to be trained as servants of India. He hoped Mr. and Mrs. Naidoo knew exactly what they had done. They had surrendered all right to those children or lile, and they could not possibly do anything to ad.