Grey, Sir George, ii. 232
Hotel, The, ii. 259
Independence, Love of, ii. 243, 249
Irrigation, ii. 237
Maitland, Sir Peregrine, ii. 217
Ministers, Colonial, ii. 229
Moshef, ii. 215, 224
Napier, Sir George, ii. 216
Nichtmaal, The, ii. 267
Pretorius, Mr., ii. 215, 217, 224
Public offices, ii. 258
Railway, Proposed, ii. 263
Schools, ii. 263
Sovereignty, The, established, ii. 219;
abandoned, ii. 221
Telegraph wires, ii. 263
Treaty, Our, with the Free State, ii. 223
Vacillation of our policy, ii. 210
Volksraad, The, ii. 243, 251
Warden, Major, ii. 217
Aliwal North, Convention at, ii. 318
Baralong Law, ii. 282
Baralong, The tribe, ii. 275, 311
Basutos, The, ii. 277, 308, 310
Bechuanas, The, ii. 276, 311
Bomvanas, The, ii. 289, 308
Bowker, Mr., ii. 314
British Kafraria, ii. 287
Burial of a Chief, ii. 304
Bushmen, ii. 313, 326
Cannibalism, ii. 313
Casselin, M., ii. 313
Cogha, The River, ii. 291
Conquered Territory, ii. 317
Copper, ii. 321
Cultivation of land, ii. 284
Damaraland, ii. 320
Daniel, Mr., ii. 277
East London, ii. 286
Expense of the wars, ii. 297
Fingos, The, ii. 292, 308
Gaikas, ii. 287, 298
Galekaland, Occupation of, ii. 291
Galekas, ii. 287, 298, 308
Gatberg, The, ii. 307
Great Fish River, ii. 287, 292
Griquas—Bastards, ii. 308
Hintsa, ii. 292
Höhne, Mr., ii. 277
Hottentots, ii. 320
Huts at Thaba 'Ncho, ii. 279
Jenkins, Mrs., ii. 309
Justice, Administration of, ii. 305
Kafir habits, ii. 299
Kafir, What is a, ii. 287
Kafraria, ii. 287
Keiskamma, The, ii. 292
Kei, The River, ii. 286, 291
King Williamstown, ii. 286
Kok's, Adam, Land, ii. 307
Korannas, ii. 320, 326
Kreli, ii. 286, 291, 294
Langalibalele, ii. 297
Maralong, The, language, ii. 278
Maroco, The Baralong Chief, ii. 277, 281, 316
Moni, a sub chief, ii. 289
Moriah, ii. 312
Moshesh, ii. 315
Namaqualand, ii. 320
Ngquika, ii. 288
Ookiep Mine, ii. 321, 324