Annexation to Cape Colony, ii. 151
Barkly, ii. 164
Brand, Mr., ii. 150
British rule—a blessing, ii. 148
Bultfontein, ii. 169
Churches at Kimberley, ii. 206
Colesberg Kopje, ii. 163, 169
Custom Duties, Increase of, ii. 200
De Beer, ii. 163
Diamond dealers, ii. 196
Diamond Fields a separate Colony, ii. 137, 151
Diamond-stealing, ii. 182, 197
Diamonds, how sent to Europe, ii. 195
Diamonds, imperfect, ii. 202
Diamonds, Notice of, in 1760, ii. 161
Diamonds—Off colours, ii. 196
Du Toit's Pan, ii. 169
Franchise, The, ii. 167
Guns, Sale of, ii. 198
Hebron, ii. 164
Hospitals at Kimberley, ii. 205
Jacobs, Mr., ii. 162
Kimberley, ii. 173, 186
Kimberley Mine, ii. 169, 172, 174
Klipdrift, ii. 164
Kok, Adam, ii. 138
Lanyon, Major, ii. 137
Mine, Subdivision of, ii. 177
Modder, The, ii. 168
Morton, Mr., ii. 161
New Hush, The, ii. 173
No Man's Land, ii. 140
Old De Beers, ii. 169
Orange Free State: its claims, ii. 139;
compensation given, ii. 140
O'Reilly, Mr., ii. 162
Population, ii. 166
Prison at Kimberley, ii. 206
Religion for Kafirs, ii. 188
River diggings, ii. 167
Southey, Mr., ii. 164
Star of South Africa, ii. 163
Vaal, The, ii. 168
Van Niekerk, Mr., ii. 162
Van Wyk, Mr., ii. 169
Vooruitzuit Farm, ii. 153, 172
Waterboer, Andreas, ii. 140, 141
Waterboer, Nicholas, ii. 138, 144
Work for Kafirs, ii. 187
Baralongs, The, ii. 224
Basutos, ii. 218, 224
Bloemfontein, ii. 217, 236, 266, 261
Boers, The, ii. 235, 241
Boom Plats, Battle of, ii. 218
Boshof, Mr, ii. 216, 224
Boundaries of the Cape Colony, ii. 212
Brand, Mr., ii. 215, 226, 227, 262
Burgers, Mr., ii. 216
Cetywayo, ii. 216
Churches, ii. 267
Clerk, Sir George, ii. 223, 232
Custom Duties, ii. 246
Dams for water, ii. 236
Difficulties of the State, ii. 225
English language, ii. 235, 265
Executive, The, ii. 255
Fiji Islands, ii. 211
Franchise, The, ii. 253