Pretorius, Andreas, i. 256
Railways, i. 265
Retief, Pieter, i. 247
Soldiers in Natal, i. 292
Speaking, After dinner, i. 291
Sugar, i. 267
Travelling, Difficulties of, i. 340
Trees, Planting of, i. 302
Volksraad, The, i. 255
War declared with the Dutch, i. 252
West, Mr., First Governor, i. 256
Wolseley, Sir Garnet; his coming, i. 260
York, Emigrants from, i. 258
Zulu dress, i. 318
Zulu honesty, i. 322
Zulu Labour, i. 273, 323
Zululand, i. 313
Zulus, i. 306
Zulus, Scarcity of, i. 347
Annexation, Effects of, ii. 61
Apprentices, ii. 33
Blignaut's punt, ii. 127
Bloomhof, ii. 123
Boers, ii. 9
Boundaries, ii. 26
Burgers, Mr., ii. 39, 47, 65
Carnarvon, Lord, to Mr. Burgers, ii. 47
Christiana, ii. 123
Coal, ii. 20, 96
Copper, ii. 96
Cost of Living, ii. 77
Dishonesty, ii. 14
Domestic service, ii. 77
Dutchmen, old and new, ii. 115
Education, ii. 13, 81
Eersteling, ii. 93
Elton, Captain, ii. 93
Farmers' houses, ii. 11
Farms, The size of, ii. 21
Freying, ii. 15
Fruits, ii. 111
Gardens, ii. 71
Gold, ii. 90
Heidelberg, ii. 23
Hollander, The, ii. 18
House on fire, ii. 52
Keate's award, ii. 39, 123
Klerksdorp, ii. 32
Land, Division of, ii. 108
Loan, Proposed, for railway, ii. 101
Lydenburg district, ii. 94
Marabas Stad, ii. 93
Mazulekatze, ii. 31
Nichtmaal, The, ii. 75
Pilgrim's Rest, ii. 94
Potchefstroom, ii. 32, 118
Pretoria, ii. 25, 67
Pretorius, Andreas, or the elder, ii. 32, 68
Pretorius, M. W., the younger, ii. 37, 69
Proclamation, The, ii. 55
Railways, ii. 98
Saltpan, The, ii. 86
Secocoeni, ii. 46
Shepstone, Sir Theophilus, ii. 47, 53
Slavery, ii. 35
Standees Drift, ii. 4, 19
Tatin, ii. 91
Taxes not paid, ii. 48
Transvaal, Condition of, ii. 52, 89
Transvaal Mails, ii. 8
Troops in the Transvaal, ii. 22
Wheat, ii. 107
Wonder Fontein, ii. 116