which House his father was then Speaker. A better choice
could hardly have been made. It is to his patience, his good sense, his exact appreciation of both the highness and the lowness of the place which he has been called on to occupy, that the Republic has owed its security. I have expressed an opinion as to the qualifications of President Burgers for a similar position. It is because President Brand has been exactly the reverse of President Burgers, that he is now trusted by the Volksraad and loved by the people. It would be hard to find a case in which a man has shewn himself better able to suit himself to peculiar duties than has been done by the President of this little Republic.
The right of voting in the Free State belongs to the burghers, and the burghers are as follows;—
1. All white male persons born in the State.
2. All white male persons who have resided one year in the State, and are registered owners of property to the value of £150.
3. All white male persons who have lived for three consecutive years in the State.
Those however who are included in the 2nd and 3rd clauses
will not be recognized as burghers unless they produce to
the State President a certificate of good conduct from the
authorities of their last place of abode and a written promise
of allegiance to the State.
Burghers who have attained the age of 16, and all who at a later age shall have acquired citizenship are bound to enrol themselves under their respective field-cornets and to