|BROKEN-FACE GARGOYLES |PAGE |- |Broken-face Gargoyles |57 |- |Aprons of Silence |59 |- |Death Snips Proud Men |60 |- |Good-night |61 |- |Shirt |62 |- |Jazz Fantasia |63 |- |Do You Want Affidavits? |64 |- |Old-fashioned Requited Love |65 |- |Purple Martins |66 |- |Brass Keys |68 |- |Pick Offs |69 |- |Manufactured Gods |70 |- |Mask |71 |- |PLAYTHINGS OF THE WIND | |- |Four Preludes on Playthings of the Wind |75 |- |Broken Tabernacles |78 |- |Ossawatomie |79 |- |Long Guns |81 |- |Dusty Doors |82 |- |Flash Crimson |83 |- |The Lawyers Know Too Much |85 |- |Losers |87 |- |Places |88 |- |Threes |89 |- |The Liars |90 |- |Prayers After World War |93 |- |A. E. F. |94 |- |Bas-Relief |95 |- |Carlovingian Dreams |96 |- |Bronzes |97 |- |Let Love Go On |98 |- |Killers |99 |- |Clean Hands |100 |- |Three Ghosts |102 |- |Pencils |103 |- |Jug |105 |- |And This Will be All? |106 |- |Hoodlums |107 |- |Yes, the Dead Speak to Us |109 |- |MIST FORMS | |- |Calls |115 |- |Sea-Wash |116 |- |Silver Wind |117 |- |Evening Waterfall |118 |}