attend to it right away. I must seem very ignorant to you; but you must try to overlook that, because I have never had any experience of such a swell duel as this before. I have had a good deal to do with duels on the Pacific coast, but I see now that they were crude affairs. A hearse,—sho! we used to leave the elected lying around loose, and let anybody cord them up and cart them off that wanted to. Have you anything further to suggest?"
"Nothing, except that the head undertakers shall ride together, as is usual. The subordinates and mutes will go on foot, as is also usual. I will see you at eight o clock in the morning, and we will then arrange the order of the procession. I have the honour to bid you a good day."
I returned to my client, who said, "Very well; at what hour is the engagement to begin?"
"Half-past nine."
"Very good indeed, Have you sent the fact to the newspapers?"
"Sir! If after our long and intimate friendship you can for a moment deem me capable of so base a treachery—"
"Tut, tut! What words are these, my dear friend? Have I wounded you? Ah! forgive me; I am overloading you with labour. Therefore go on with the other details, and drop this one from your list. The bloody-minded Fourtou will be sure to attend to it. Or I myself—yes to make certain, I will drop a note to my journalistic friend, M. Noir"—
"Oh, come to think, you may save yourself the trouble; that other second has informed M. Noir."