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if Mrs, G., it will not only be seen that the forehead is the part of the head in which the organs of the intellectual faculties are situated, but that by its form, we may even trace the particular quality of intellect that resides in these various.


A native of corsica who, by some contrivance or construction termed an internal machine attempted to assassinate the King of the French but was detected, condemned to the guillotine and died as he lived, a vile (illegible text). His head is quite in conformity with the life he led. The organ of firmness will be seen to be large enough to denote strong determination of purpose, which, swayed by the lower feelings, would render him dangerous as an enemy and doubly so by the active temperament that may be traced bu the keen expression of his countenance. Upon comparison, it will be seen that his head is not inferior in type to that of Sheridan or Eldon. Nor, with all his villany, does this weaken the principles of phrenology, It should be know that there are more ways of exercising the lower feelings besides by murder and rapine; indeed there are many occupations in which none other than the inferior faculties may be legally brought into action, such as that of the butcher, the executioner. Even in the lawful avocation of magistrates, none other than the lower propensities are engages in distributing very cruel sentences that are sometimes dealt out our courts of justice. With respect to the moral of Sheridan and Eldon, very little is known, and the organs of those sentiments are very small in their casts.


Was executed for having poisoned between 30 & 40 persons, of whom (two were her own husbands). The greater part of her head is occupied bu the organs of destructiveness, secretiveness and acquisitivenss, which quite accords with her sly and cunning cruelty.


Was a lady who possessed a well balanced mind, being equally sociable, moral and intelligent. Her head, by its even and uniform shape, shows that all the organs are equally developed, and presents it type of female perfection, and affords a very striking contrast to the criminal type.


Was accused of setting fire to Haystack, of having rescued a man from custody; of having afterwards murdered his wife, his mother, his mother-in-law, and lastly, Mr. Jeriny and his son, and dangerously wounded Mrs. Jermy and her maid, also of having

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