A native of Tiefinbrun in Swabia, while at school, noticed that those scholars who repeated their lessons fluently, exhibited prominent eyes:- while at the college where he was educated as a physician, he continued his observations, and observed a peculiar formation in the heads of such persons as were remarkable for any particular faculty. And where he found several persons having the same striking characteristic, he also observed a similarity in the form of their heads. From this he inferred that there must be some connection between the mind and the brain; with this in view, together with a careful and continuer attention he founded the science a Phrenology.
Associate and pupil of Dr. Call, was an earnest advocate in the cause of Phrenology, and he laboured with all unremitting zeal to perfect and disseminate the science. He died at Boston, in America, and was much lamented by all who knew him, indeed, so sincere was the esteem in which he was held by the people, that a monument to his memory has been created by them.
Became a convert to the science of Phrenology under Dr. Spurzheim able teaching, and afterwards distinguished himself as an able expounder of the practical lessons it teaches. His work, entitled 'The Constitution of Man," is full of useful instruction, and places its author in the foremost ranks of true Philosophere.
Is mentioned in Chambers's Miscellany as an Hindoo Philosopher and Philanthropist, who in order to shew his countrymen how little in accordance with their own sacred writings was the degrading system of idolatry and immorality, which they practised under the tyranny of their priests, translated the Vedant,(or holy writings), from Sanscrit, (the inanccessible language of the Priests,) into the more familiar language of the laity of Hindostan." and in order to afford Europeana a glimpse of the