"This is cynical."
"With heroes of many nations."
"What next
?""And philosophers."
"She is mad
""Don't ring the bell, uncle; you will alarm my aunt."
"Your poor dear aunt, what a niece has she!"
"Once I loved Socrates."
"Pooh! No trifling, ma'am."
"I admired Themistocles, Leonidas, Epaminondas."
"Miss Keeldar
""To pass over a few centuries, Washington was a plain man, but I liked him: but, to speak of the actual present
""Ah! the actual present."
"To quit crude school-girl fancies, and come to realities."
"Realities! That is the test to which you shall be brought, ma'am."
"To avow before what altar I now kneel—to reveal the present idol of my soul
""You will make haste about it, if you please; it is near luncheon time, and confess you shall."
"Confess, I must: my heart is full of the secret; it must be spoken: I only wish you were Mr. Helstone instead of Mr. Sympson, you would sympathize with me better."
"Madam—it is a question of common sense and common prudence, not of sympathy and sentiment, and so on. Did you say it was Mr. Helstone?"