"You think me a dangerous specimen of my sex. Don't you, now?"
"A peculiar one, at least."
"But Caroline—is she peculiar?"
"In her way—yes."
"Her way? What is her way?"
"You know her as well as I do."
"And knowing her, I assert that she is neither eccentric nor difficult of control: is she?"
"That depends
""However, there is nothing masculine about her?"
"Why lay such emphasis on her? Do you consider her a contrast, in that respect, to yourself?"
"You do, no doubt: but that does not signify. Caroline is neither masculine, nor of what they call the spirited order of women."
"I have seen her flash out."
"So have I—but not with manly fire: it was a short, vivid, trembling glow, that shot up, shone, vanished
""And left her scared at her own daring. You describe others besides Caroline."
"The point I wish to establish is, that Miss Helstone, though gentle, tractable, and candid enough, is still perfectly capable of defying even Mr. Moore's penetration."
"What have you and she been doing?" asked Moore, suddenly.