< Page:Seton-Thompson--Wild animals I Have Known.djvu
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comrade. This is usually addressed to the ranks and means 'attention.'

No. 9.

{ a'4-. r r2 | a'4-. r r2 | a'4-. r r2 \bar "||" }

Early in April there began to be great doings among the crows. Some new cause of excitement seemed to have come on them. They spent half the day among the pines, instead of foraging from dawn till dark. Pairs and trios might be seen chasing each other, and from time to time they showed off in various feats of flight. A favorite sport was to dart down suddenly from a great height toward some perching crow, and just before touching it to turn at a hairbreadth and rebound in the air so fast that the wings of the swooper whirred with a sound like distant thunder. Sometimes one crow would lower his head, raise every feather, and coming close to another would gurgle out a long note like

No. 10.

{ \partial 2 
 \relative d' { d2\(\startTrillSpan | c2*1/2 b a g\) \bar "||" }
 \new Lyrics \lyricmode { C2 -- r4*4/5 -- r -- r -- a -- w } >> }


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