tality; they even desired it; and the ineffable consolations which
the presence of Jesus Christ, hidden under mystical veils, already shed through their soul, made them to long for that torrent of delight with which he will overflow his chosen when they shall behold him face to face. Were they dragged to prison, and, like felons, loaded with irons, they of whom the world was unworthy? — they carefully concealed the divine eucharist in their bosom; they feasted upon it in the hope of martyrdom; they grew fat upon this heavenly food, like pure victims, that their sacrifice might be more pleasing to the Lord. Chaste virgins, fervent believers, holy ministers, partook altogether of the blessed bread; and what delight even in their chains! What serenity of mind in these dark and gloomy abodes! What songs of thanksgivings in these horrible places where the eye encountered nothing but the sad images of death and preparations for the most cruel tortures. How often did they say to Jesus Christ, present with them in this adorable sacrament, Ah! we fear no ill, Lord, since thou art with us: though hosts surround us, yet we will not be afraid: our enemies may destroy our bodies, but thou wilt restore them to us glorious and immortal; for who can destroy those whom the Father hath bestowed upon thee? Blessed chains which thou deignest to sustain! Holy prisons which thou consecratest with thy presence! Beloved dungeons in which thou fillest our souls with so many lights! Precious death which is to unite us with thee, and to withdraw the veil which conceals thee from our sight! Thence what fortitude under their tortures! Filled with the body of Jesus Christ, washed in his blood, they quitted their prisons, says a holy father, like lions out of their den, still raging and thirsting for death and carnage: they flew upon the scaffolds, and, with a holy pride, launched here and there looks of confidence and magnanimity which appalled the most ferocious tyrants, and even disarmed their executioners: they showed then the death of the Lord in preparing themselves for martyrdom by the communion.
The tranquillity of our ages and the religion of the Caesars, leave us no longer the same hope; death is no longer the reward of faith, and the eucharist makes no more martyrs: but have we not domestic persecutors? Has our faith only tyrants to dread? And is there not a martyrdom of love as well as of blood? In approaching the altars, then, my brethern, a believing soul sighs for the dissolution of this mortal body; for, could he love this life, and show the death of Jesus Christ, and renew, in these mystical signs, his quitting the world to go to his Father? He complains of the length of his exilement; he bears, to the foot of the sanctuary, a spirit of death and of martyrdom, " Ah! Lord, since thou art dead and crucified to the world, why detain me here? What can I find upon the earth worthy of my heart, seeing thou art no longer there? The mystery itself, which should console me through thy presence, recalls to me thy death; these covers which veil thee are an artifice of thy love; and thou half concealest thyself, only to inspire my heart with the desire of fully beholding thee.