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that Christ's first and second birth may not be for

us wholly in vain, and that He may be, once again, born spiritually in our souls unto life everlasting. Amen.

Sunday within the Octave of Christmas

Nazareth and Bethlehem.

"When the fulness of time was come, God sent His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, that He might redeem those who were under the law." — Gal. iv. 4, 5.


Ex. : Christmas, the children's festival.

I. Thoughts at crib: 1. The Fall and Promise. 2. Plan of Redemption. 3. Effect on woman's life.

II. Mary: 1. Her family. 2. Elizabeth. 3. The Annunciation.

III. Nativity: 1. Visitation and return. 2. Bethlehem. 3. The Shepherds.

Per. : 1. Angels' hymn. 2. Christmas long ago. 3. Prayer for happy death.


The central figure of these festive Christmas days is a little child. It is preeminently the children's festival; and only children, and those who, despite their years, are in mind and heart but children still, can enter fully into the hallowed, gracious spirit of this time. I lately heard a little prattler tell the story of Nazareth and of Bethlehem, and sure am I, that could I reproduce her artless manner and the simple tale she told, I would touch, for once at least, your very

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