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Paul's appeal that Satan should depart from him, is

not a proof that Paul's prayer was unheard, for God knew that temptations borne and baffled by His grace would win for Paul a crown of glory.

Brethren, the necessity of prayer and its component parts are all exemplified in the Gospel of to-day. The man was deaf and dumb, but they, having studied Christ's miracles and meditated on His power and goodness, came and begged Him earnestly, confidently, perseveringly, to lay His hand upon him. And Jesus promptly answered them by healing the man's infirmities, so that they all cried out in a chorus of thanksgiving: " He hath done all things well; He hath made both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak."

Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost

The Study of Scripture.

"Master, what must I do to possess eternal life?" — Luke x. 25.


Ex. : I. Christ on Olivet II. Leo's teaching. III. Directory to life eternal.

I. Instruction : 1. Roman Christians. 2. Leo's sequence. 3. Bible as book.

II. Patience and consolation : 1. Resignation. 2. Virtue in infirmity. 3. The saints.

III. Glory: 1. Sick member. 2. Christ present, 3. The saints again.

Per.: 1. Importance as to— 1. Life eternal. 2. Temporal. 3. Patience and consolation.


Brethren, a few Sundays ago, if you remember, we read in the Gospel how Christ wept over Jerusa-

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