"Thou shalt not murder," and the punishment of
those who keep the bare letter is exclusion from the kingdom of heaven. The spirit of this commandment is: Thou shalt avoid not only murder, but even the least approach to it, wherefore, guard well thy temper and thy tongue and, above all, settle thy differences with thy neighbor. The one means to be employed is an honest effort to live at peace with all mankind, and the reward of those who make such an effort — we have it promised in Our Lord's own words: " Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost.
The Indestructibility of the Church.
" Christ, rising again from the dead, dieth now no more, and death shall no more have dominion over Him" — Rom. vi. 9.
Ex. : Indestructibility of Christ's material and mystical body.
I. Possibility: 1. Founded Church. 2. Free will. 3. License and liberty.
II. Fact proved from : 1. Figures, Isaias and Daniel. 2. Synagogue. 3. New Testament and end.
III. Inquiry a duty: 1. Invisibility. 2. Scandals. 3. Evidences.
Per. : 1. Faith at last day. 2. The remnant. 3. Exhortation to fidelity.
Brethren, St. Paul's denial of the possibility of death ever again obtaining dominion over Christ's material body is equally true of Christ's mystical