heart; and since the effect of love is to unite the lover
with the beloved, he will climb the height of Calvary or approach the second Calvary — the altar, and he will take into his arms, aye, into his breast, that precious body of his brother, and he will touch his lips to the sacred side and taste the saving blood of his Redeemer; and he shall come away, his soul refreshed into new life and the blessed peace of Christ in his heart
Then, having followed his Lord along the bloody way of His cross in this life, having been united to Him in His awful sufferings and death, he will be eternally united to Him hereafter, to enjoy Christ's unspeakable consolation in the happy kingdom of the blessed.
Easter Sunday.
Christ's Resurrection and Ours.
"He is risen and goeth before you into Galilee, and there you shall see Him." — Mark xvi. 6, 7.
Ex. : False and true motives for joy at Easter.
I. Christ's Resurrection : 1. Basic truth. 2. Testimony of Christ. 3. Of Jews and Apostles.
II. Proofs: 1. Many necessary witnesses. 2. Reliable. 3. Constant unto death.
III. Our resurrection : 1. Pledged in Christ's. 2. Laws of Nature and justice. 3. Christ can and will redeem His promise.
Per. : 1. Tragedy and comedy. 2. Infidel, Christian, Catholic. 3. Faith, hope, love.
Brethren, Lent with its sorrows and Easter with its joys and glories have come and gone, and what