dition, be not cast down, for with the Lord there is
mercy and with Him plentiful redemption. His patient forbearance with thee in the past is a guarantee that with Him there is forgiveness. From the depths of your misery, from the bottom of your heart cry to Him and He will hearken to thee, for He wishes not the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live. Let the hatred of sin drive thee, let the love of God draw thee. There is forgiveness, there is forgiveness, if you will only repent, for " an humble and contrite heart the merciful Lord will never despise."
Psalm Sunday
Humiliation and Exaltation.
"He humbled Himself even unto the death of the cross, wherefore also God exalted Him, that every tongue should confess the Lord Jesus." — Phil. ii. 8, 9, 11.
Ex. : Christ's I. Humiliation. II. Exaltation. III. Acknowledgment.
I. Humiliation: 1. Knowledge and power. 2. Gethsemani. 3. Sold, scourged, crowned, and crucified.
II. Exaltation : 1. Died as seed. 2. Plant (Church) grew. 3. Glories of cross.
III. Faith spread by self-sacrifice : 1. Toward God. 2. Neighbor. 3. Self.
Per.: 1. God's hatred of sin. 2. Redemption. 3. Faithfulness to cross living and dead.
Brethren, Our Lord's tragic earthly career divides itself naturally into three parts, His private life, His public life, and His Passion, and each act or part ends