their whole being- is purified and beautified, as was
Christ when He prayed on Thabor — when the shape of His countenance was altered, and His raiment became white and glittering. But most important of all is to receive regularly what, of right, should be our daily bread — the Holy Eucharist — the Author of truth and virtue, that the children, living, not they, but Christ in them, may become other Christs, increasing in age and wisdom and grace with God and men.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
The Names of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
"They called His name Jesus." — Luke ii. 21.
Ex.: I. Shakespeare. II. Shakespeare again. III. Longfellow.
I. Joseph : 1. Patriarch. 2. Saint. 3. Happy death.
II. Mary : 1. Prototypes. 2. Queen, illumined. 3. Sea of bitterness.
III. Jesus: 1. Origin: 1. God-given names. 2. Figures of Jesus. 3. Real Jesus.
2. Meaning: 1. "God." 2. 11 Jesus M or Emman uel. 3. Olive oil, poured out.
3. History : 1. Royal christening. 2. Jesus and John. 3. Influence for good, evil.
Per. : 1. Higher blessedness. 2. Invoke. 3. In deed and in truth.
Brethren, so portentous an event was the coming of the Messias, so minutely prophesied, so replete with mystic meaning, that every single circumstance connected therewith has its own peculiar significance. Not least significant is His choice of a name and that name Jesus. " What's in a name? "