Twenty-ninth Day
The treasure in heaven: The single eye: The impossibility of serving two masters. — Matt. vi. 19, 20, 24.
HERE our Lord tears up avarice by the roots and prevents our ever fearing poverty. To ' have our treasure in heaven ’ is to place all our hopes and affections there; and, again, to send our riches to be stored up there by the hands of the poor and needy.
‘Where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also.' This is a grand saying. Consider well what your thoughts are full of, for wherever they naturally turn is the real place of your treasure, and the home of your heart. If your thoughts are filled with God, then are you happy. If with anything merely mortal, which 'the rust and the moth' constantly consume, and corruption lays hold of, then will your treasure escape you, and your heart remain empty and destitute.