Twenty-fifth Day
'Give us this day our daily bread?' — Matt. vi. 11.
' IVE us this day our daily bread!'
Here we have the genuine words
of a child who confidently expects
his Father to supply all his wants,
even to the very smallest. O Father of us all,
Thou hast given us a body which is mortal,
though Thou didst not make it so at first: — but
we disobeyed, and so death became our portion.
This weak and mortal body, then, needs food
every day, or it will grow faint and perish.
Give it to us! Give it of simple kind, and in
what quantity is necessary. Let us learn to
remember, as we beg for it, that it is Thou Who
dost supply it from day to day. Thou givest
their daily bread to Thy children, Thy servants,
and Thy soldiers, if they are fighting under
Thy standard. Let us ask it with confidence, and take it from Thy hand with grateful