PATRIOTIC SONGS. My Uncle Sam. (Tune, "Old Uncle Ned." Pat's Pick, Page 33.) 1 Sharp. There was a young man and his name was Uncle Sam, And he lived round here long ago, And his brave deeds it is singing I am, For he did them for me, you know. Chorus— Then tell all the glory of his name, Sing all the glory of his fame, You'll find no man like my Uncle Sam, Tho' you search the world for the same. There was an old man and his name was George the He sent his fleet o'er the sea; [King, But Uncle Sam bravely told him this thing, He would pay no tax on tea. —Cho. They had a big fight, and the battle it was long, But Uncle Sam won the day; And George the King, tho' his army was strong, Uncle Sam drove them all away.— Cho. And now Uncle Sam, a century grown, Bids all the world come and see How Freedom's flag in its beauty is thrown O'er his broad land of liberty.—Cho.