To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer our tribute of praise,
For the glorious gifts of His love,
And the blessings that hallow our days.—Cho.
Morning Hymn.
(Tune, "Home, Sweet Home." Pat's Pick, page 13; Song Budget, page 49) 4 Sharps.
Dear Jesus, Our Savior,1 We know Thou art near; Our humble petition Art ready to hear; We beg Thy tender mercy2 To guide us thro' the day; Oh, keep us all from sinning,3 In all we do and say. Chokus—Hear, hear, hear our prayer;* Oh, turn not away from us6 Thy loving care. And when with school and lessons We are forever done; When life, with all its trials, In earnest has begun; Oh! teacb our feet to walk, Lord,6 In thine appointed ways; Oh! teach our hearts to love Thee;7 Our tongues to speak thy praise.8—Cho. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Look up. 5. Same as 3. Look up and lift hands im- 6. Point toward feet; look up, ploringly. 7. Hands on hearts. Clasp upUfted hands. 8. Finger tips on lips. Same as 2.