Temperance Song. (Air, "Marching Song." Pat's Pick, page 45.) 3 Sharps or 4 Flats.
OI I'm a happy blue-bird, sober as you see, For pure cold water is the drink for me, I take a drop here and another drop there, And make the woods ring with my temperance air. CHORUS—O! don't defy it, better, better try it, Water, pure water, from the spring below. Better, better try it, better, better try it. Try it sir, try it sir, do. There's little Bobby Linkum, sitting on a tree, He's singing a temperance song as you see, 'Tis Bobolink, take a drink, take a drink today, And Mr. Bobolink, not a cent to pay.— Cho. As down among the lilies every day I go, To take my bath in the lake below, If I chance to meet a drunkard, all so pale and thin, I say, sir, how d'ye do, and sir, pray walk in. — Cho. Come, rise up with the songsters, early in the morn. See the thirsty grass and the waving corn, Hdw their emerald faces brighten in the dazzling sun. While catching the dew-drops one by one.—Cho. All up above the mountains, all below the sea, Will with my temperance song agree, That for man in his toil, or the bird upon her nest, Cold water, cold water is the purest and best.—Cho.