Down in the Meadows. (Pat's Pick, page 6.)
2 Sharps.
Come down in the meadows this morning in summer, And gather sweet blossoms abloom by the way, And hear in the woodlands the brown partridge drum mer Beat up his brown soldiers to drill for the day. Chorus— O sing in the morning a song that I love, A song lhat is sweet as the lark's above. The air is astir with a jubilant chorus, The fields and the woodlands are bright as a smile The sky bends so tenderly, lovingly o'er us, With clouds o'er the hills like grey soldiers in file. —Cho. How happy the winds are above and about us, They laugh out like children in innocent glee: Let the world and its sorrows go onward without us O, summer, the summer for you and for me.—Cho. The Ship of State. (Pat's Pick, page 8.) Air "Dixie Land.' Key 01 Sail away, sail away, tho'—ye lads and lassies— Dangers dread the good ship passes, For the way, for the way, is the free fav'ring way. Fling the flag aloft, Stars and Stripes adorning, Hail your chief, and hail the morning, Sail away, sail away, sail the safe Union way. Chorus— And lend a hand—protect her, lend a hand, a hand, All lend a hand for ship so grand, from coast to coast —and Dixie; A hand, a hand, North, East, and West, through Dixie, A hand, a hand, North, East, and West, through Dixie.