A Home by the Sea.
(Pat's Pick, page 74.) 4 Flats
O, give me a home by the sea,
Where wild waves are crested with foam,
Where shrill winds are caroling free,
As o'er the blue waters they come;
For I'd list to the ocean's loud roar,
And joy in the stormiest glee,
Nor ask in this wide world for more
Than a home by the deep heaving sea.
Chorus—Yes, a home by the deep heaving sea,
When the winds carol free, make a home,
Make a home there for me.
At noon when the sun from the east,
Comes mounted in crimson and gold,
Whose hues on the billows are cast,
Which sparkle with splendor untold.
O, then by the shore would I stray,
And roam as the halcyon free,
From envy and care far away,
At home by the deep heaving sea.—Cho.
At eve, when the moon in her pride,
Rides queen of the soft summer night,
And gleams on the murmuring tide,
With floods of her silvery light,
O, earth has no beauty so rare,
No place that is dearer to me.
Then give me so free and so fair,
A home by the deep heaving sea.—Cho.
Copyrighted by S. Brainard Sons Co., and used by permission.)