Mas-to-dons, mam-moths and ich-thy-o-saurs.
Pter-o-dac-tyls and almost centaurs;
But we shall surely break our jaws (jors)
Naming these delicate fossils.
If of Geology more you'd learn,
If you with thirst for learning burn,
Keep studying nature at every turn,
But don't turn into a fossil.
May Song.
(Pat's Pick, page 89.) 1 sharp
Beautiful May, with notes so gay,
Chasing from all life's cares away,
How at thy plea we'll welcome thee,
Beautiful month, the best of three.
Chorus—: Happy and gay, sparkling away,
Ever we'll praise beautiful May.
Welcome to thee, so grand and free,
Making the world resound with glee;
Starting so bright from wintry blight,
Driving away the cheerless night.—Cho.
Happy are we thy love to see,
Gladly we take thy gifts so free,
Ever they show God's love below,
Beaming for all, for friend and foe.—Cho.