Pair Song. (Sung by the Ithaca School at Gratiot County Fair of 1877. Air, "Co-ca-che-lunli." Pat's Pick, page 20. ) 3 Flate.
When the golden-hued October Tells us we have time to spare, We'll just yoke up Buck and Brindle And whoa-haw-gee to the Fair. CHORUS—Co-ca-che-lunk-che-lunk-che-la-ly, Co-ca-che-lunk-che-lunk-che-lay. Co-ca-che-lunk-che-lunk-che-la-ly, Hil O chick-a-che-lunk-che-lay. We will take our squash and chickens, And our bed-quilts, and our pig, And O, how they'll say "the dickens!" When they see us dance a jig. —Cho. We will hook to Jane "Mariar," And we'll look so awful sweet, As we listen to the "liar," Tell of things that can't be beat.—Cho. We will try to steal the melons, And will get an awful thump, And we hope that he'll have felons, That will make the thumper jump.—Cho, Then of course we'll view the butter, In we'll stick our dirty thumb, With our mouth crammed full of candy, And our jaws stuck up with gum.—Cht,