"What possessed a woman to knit stockings o' such a color 's that, do you suppose? Why, the turkey-cocks 'll chase ye, Joe, when ye get them things on."
Joe only laughed good-naturedly.
"Go it, boys," he said. "I can stand it 's long 's you can. I think the stockings are a real handsome color."
"So they be," said the first speaker. It was the very Wilson who had rejected them with such scorn. "So they be, a splendid color for a rooster's wattles; that 's the only thing I ever see sech a color."
Joe took one of the stockings up and began mechanically to turn the heel out; he felt the paper in the toe, drew it out in surprise, looked at it, read the name, and slipped the paper quickly into his pocket. The whole thing had not taken a minute, and nobody had chanced to notice it.
"What in thunder did any girl go and do that for?" thought Joe.
Presently he rose and walked out of the ward.
"Say, Joe, don't leave them red stockings o' yourn out that way; they might be stole," called one of the men.
"All right, boys," he said, "laugh away. It 's good for you; cure you quicker 'n medicine;" and Joe walked away. He wanted to look again at the queer little pink paper. Underneath the big lan-