"Hain't there any society, then, but the society of fools
and lunys? But even a fool orter know that mornin' is the time to git up instead of goin' to bed."
But she looked real kinder flustrated and helpless, so I desisted from further remarks at that time, and at ten minutes to nine precisely I got up and lighted our chamber lamps and Josiah wound up the clock, and I sez, "Well, dear, I will go with you to your room."
She looked at the clock and then at me with a look that a female Hottentot might have if I wuz fastening on skates for her to dash out on to a frozen lake. But she didn't say anything. And I kinder whispered to her on our way upstairs: "It would disturb your Uncle Josiah for us to set up longer, and you try goin' to bed early and gettin' up early for a spell and see what it will do for you," sez I encouragingly. "I believe it will be just the thing to put some color into your white cheeks and some bright sparkles into your eyes."
Well, she didn't demur outwardly, but immediately begun to take her hair down to brush it, and I laid my hand fondly on to them long, golden waves that swep' down below her waist, and sez I, "I want you to be happy here, and to be happy one has to be healthy," and I repeated partly to myself and partly to her that invaluable bit of advice:
"Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
And then I see that the toilet things wuz all right, plenty of water and towels, and I looked at the little covered glass pitcher with fresh drinking water in it, and see that there wuz matches and candles, etc., and